Client: IARTES (Venezuelan Institute of Art)
Concept, layout, multimedia design (interactive DVD), some photographies.
Collection of monographs on the most important contemporary Venezuelan and Cuban artists. Each book contains a general overview of the artist's work, various art reviews, a curriculum vitae and personal and professional photographs.
60 books have been published so far.
The colour concept works in conjunction with the numbering, from 1 to 30 for each country. I developed a combination of two colours for each number. One colour was used for the monochrome processing of the photos and the other for the backgrounds and lettering. In this way, the same number in each country has the same colour and so the system can be extended to other Latin American countries, which was the intention.
These first 60 books have been compiled into an interactive DVD.
Among the artists presented are, from Cuba: Adigio Benítez, Jay Matamoros, Rita Longa, Pedro Pablo Oliva, Eduardo Ponjuán, Alfredo Sosabravo, José Villa Soberón. 
From Venezuela: Muu Blanco, Gego, Blanca Haddad, Luis Molina-Pantin, Francisco Narvaez and Antonieta Sosa.

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